A Technical Introduction to Machine Learning

Speaker: Justin Le.

Host: Prof. Yingtao Jiang.

Friday, Oct. 7, 2016

3 to 5pm

SEB 3265, UNLV


In recent years, intelligent algorithms that learn from data have had an enormous impact on empirical research in such diverse areas as medicine, physics, finance, and beyond. Furthermore, these algorithms have been implemented in common programming languages, making them widely accessible to both researchers and developers.

In this workshop, we'll discuss the concepts and mathematics that underlie these machine learning techniques, as well as the Python libraries that enable us to efficiently apply them in practice. Requiring only a basic familiarity with calculus and programming, the workshop will introduce common challenges in applying and evaluating machine learning methods with the goal of extracting insights from large, complex datasets.



Building flexible models and managing their complexity

Performance metrics and model evaluation

Features and representation

Applications to real-world data

Additional topics (as time permits)


Although not necessary, it is strongly recommended that you review the following topics before attending in order to fully benefit from the workshop:


If you wish to follow along with our programming exercises during the workshop, please bring your own laptop with Ubuntu 14.04+ and the following packages:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-numpy \
    python-numpy-dev python-scipy libatlas-dev g++ python-matplotlib \
    ipython ipython-notebook

    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install jupyter
    pip install -U scikit-learn

Pip is required for the above commands.

Please install xgboost for Python if you wish to run the examples for gradient boosting, as well as seaborn for visualization.

If you use your own distro instead, we cannot offer any support if you encounter issues while executing our code.

Find the repo here.